Executive & Leadership Coaching
“The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” — Alice Walker
"I’d like to express my heartfelt appreciation for the invaluable guidance and support you've provided me throughout our coaching sessions. Your insights and expertise have been instrumental in these first critical months as CEO and for that I am truly grateful.” — O. Kristiansen
Executive & Leadership Coaching
I specialize in helping service-based organizations and their leadership. The nonprofit executive is often stretched to the max; overworked due to insufficient budgets and staffing or a dysfunctional board of directors. Additionally, the board of directors, a volunteer group, often lacks the resources or understanding to skillfully carry out their responsibilities. I work with both board and staff leadership providing training, coaching, education and support. In my work with executives, we examine leadership myths, pitfalls, boundaries, priorities, communication skills and how to shift the culture of the nonprofit back to one that embraces the mission and goals of the organization. Issues with mission drift, problem employees, siloed programs, negative PR, or dysfunctional board or staff are addressed. I emphasize building a collaborative and engaged organization at all levels. My lived experience combined with years of training offers a unique consultative opportunity to leaders.